Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Making Room for Baby: Bedroom

Since Cam arrived, we've had to make a few adjustments to say the least. One of my goals was to not let having a baby take over our entire house. Carl and I both agreed that we wouldn't buy anything just because it's on a "what to get when you're having a baby" list. We decided we'd buy the necessities and then see how things went. It worked out great for us, and I think we've done a pretty good job so far of keeping the house looking like there are two adults still living here.

I thought it might help to show the little (and some bigger) changes we've made. We'll start with the bedroom. I know everyone likes pictures, so I'll let them do the talking.

First, a little before. Not the best before, but it's the only shot I have:

And the after:

So there are the changes we've made so far in the bedroom since the little man arrived. I think we handled that room quite well, but I knew the family room would be more of a challenge. Stay tuned to see how we made that room baby friendly!

Do you have any tips on how you changed your bedroom to accommodate another family member? Share them in the comments!


  1. Looks great, nicely tucked into your bedroom. :)

  2. I am expecting in 2 months so I'm sure I will have lots of changes going on in the bedroom soon. I was wondering if you like your bottle warmer/cooler. I have heard mixed reviews online, mostly bad, about them not working after a while. I think it's a great idea though. Just wondering what brand you guys have if you like it! Thanks!

  3. @catosmom- 1st- Congrats! Being a mom rocks! We love love love our bottle warmer. It's The First Years. I especially liked this one because it has a cooler on the back. It makes it nice to not have to walk downstairs to get the bottle for the early A.M. feeding. It might take a little longer than others, but I didn't want to spend $100 on a bottle warmer that gets used once a day!

  4. I love your duvet cover. Where'd you get it?

  5. NKubon- It's from Pottery Barn, and I love it!!


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