Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday Morning Weekend Roundup

The weekend is long gone, but I am just now getting around to this because I got back late last night. Now that all my paperwork is signed, I can finally tell you what's been taking up (and will be taking up) a good portion of my time. Last year, while vacationing in Cabo, I was informed that my company was doing a mass layoff, cutting their staff by about 40%. I was unfortunately part of that shakedown. I was not the typical unemployed person. It wasn't the loss of my paycheck that was upsetting to me, it was the loss of my team. I was fortunate to find another job, relatively quickly (especially for Michigan). A few months ago, my old boss contacted me and said he was going to have another opportunity for me (new company). It was the best early Christmas present I could have possibly asked for, seeing as the stability at the new job was looking shaky. So, I have my dream job back. I have my team back. I'm a happy girl. However, that's why the blog has been a bit neglected as it's a much more time consuming position. Like I said, I promise I will keep it up, it just might not be as often as it was before. Hopefully once I get settled and organized, it will go right back to normal!

So enough chatter, let's recap our weekends!
  • Clean the hardwood floors- they need it desperately!
  • Finish up laundry, fold, put away
  • Dust whole house
  • Vacuum whole house
  • Give ya'll the first post for the New Year Challenge! (and worked on my bedrooms)

  • Get a hair cut
  • Get a manicure
  • Pack for trip
  • Work a good portion of the weekend...
Like I said, most of that was not an option to complete. But Carl and I really busted it all out on Saturday (so thankful he helped) since he knew it was a priority to get everything done! It's time to get back to work though! I still have some portions for the challenge to complete. How's it coming along for you? Are your bedrooms sparkling yet? Don't worry if they aren't! You still have a few days to get it all done. Did you get everything on your weekend to do list done? Tell me about it!


  1. Congratulations on getting your team back! I am working on getting a happy house!

  2. Congrats and good luck on the new job!

    I posted an update on my bedroom challenge, I am halfway there! Thanks for the motivation!

  3. Congrats on the new job. I hope you keep up the blog - I just found it and you've been keeping me motivated!

  4. Thanks everyone!

    Melslatt- I promise I am going to try my hardest!

  5. Hmm...I thought a new job might be the "thing" you were talking about. Big Congratulations!

  6. Congrats on the new job!


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