Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekend Planning

Not only is it the weekend, but it is officially my birthday week. I tried to get "Birthday Month," but Carl denied that. Then I tried to say the start was a week prior to my birthday and that it ended a week after my birthday, but my smarty pants mathematician pointed out that is actually TWO weeks. So alas, we comprised on letting it start a few days before and ending a few days after. Fair enough :) Since my birthday is on Tuesday, it starts now!

Clean up the kitchen & Tidy the house
Make dinner: Parmesan Crusted Tilapia, Rice and Veggies
Go out with friends

Clean up my desk
Maintenance clean the house!
Maybe a little shopping in honor of my birthday week?

Celebrate my birthday with my inlaws

I'm keeping it light other than the maintenance cleaning, like I said, it's the one time of the year I get to celebrate and get completely spoiled by Carl :) What are your plans??


  1. We are supposed to get SNOW here this weekend! WHAT?!? So... we'll be staying in and and enjoying hot chocolate and movies.

    Happy first day of Spring, right!?!

  2. Hey Molly! glad to see you back :) I am stealing your idea and posting it on my blog as well. I'll link back to you, I think it is a great idea!

  3. I too tried for a birthday month. No dice. :)

    We are going over to GR tomorrow for some school business for M, I'll be walking around by myself most of the day- visit to the Art Museum, the JW spa, and San Chez. And probably watching some hoops somewhere during the day. :) Enjoy your all of your birthday treats!

  4. Happy birthday week!!! Take it easy!

  5. Happy birthday! This weekend tried to focus on laundry catch-up and (unfortunately) work!


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