Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Morning Weekend Roundup

I guess I must have blinked a little longer than normal, because it is somehow Monday already :S. Time to see how well we did with our weekend to do list!

* Spray for bugs (this was my requirement, I have walked through 5 too many spider webs lately) Although- this will get done today- Carl wanted the air to be on so the windows could be shut.
* Start working on removing the hardware from the sliding glass door's old vertical blinds, patching and painting
*Instead of the above, he worked on casing the bathroom window- which of course is not perfectly square, so it took longer than anticipated.

* Make a delicious dinner :) So we are 0 for 3- oops. BUT with good reason. Carl wanted to take me out on Friday, so he said to hold off on my delicious dinner. I knew there was a reason I married him!
* If it is cool enough, I really am going to clean up my garden! Too hot...
* If it isn't cool enough, I'm going to organize the pantry- food areas always need the most organizing for me as they are always being utlized! As mentioned in my previous post- this was a time consuming project, but TOTALLY worth it!

* Finish patching and painting the sliding glass door area
* Continue working on the window casings...another tedious project for him :(
* Cut the grass
* The reason for all Carl's red: he installed blinds for the kitchen window- a VERY overdue project as I am certain the sun that rises on that side has been making our fridge work overtime. Much better now. Although, he says that was his least favorite project in the house. It took him the majority of Saturday, unfortunately.

* If it isn't cool enough on Friday night to clean up the garden, I'll get up early on Saturday and do it
* Otherwise, this is when the pantry will get done- it still needed some finishing up on Saturday
* Make a yummy treat to take to my brother's house for a party- I was told not to bring anything :( We ended up leaving right away for the festival behind his house.
* Buy my nephew's FIRST birthday present
(Plus, Carl attended a graduation party for awhile on was a busy day)

* Wash our cars- depending on the weather
* Relax and enjoy my nephew's birthday party at my parents' house. Bathing suits required.
* We ended up having to do some unexpected cleaning in the kitchen after the blinds went up!

* Make elephant ears with the kids- a HUGE hit with the kids and adults alike!

So, even though we didn't get EVERYTHING on our list done, we were still really productive! And we are finally reaping the rewards of the garden in a steady manner.

I hope your weekend was as productive as ours- even if you veered off the to do list! PLUS: Drum roll please. Keep an eye out this week. I will be featuring my first little giveaway.

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