Friday, September 25, 2009

Weekend Planning

It's fall. Officially. There is no denying it. The cool air is rushing through our back door and hitting me in the face as I type this. That's not a bad thing for weekend planning. It just means a different kind of weekend planning. Our activities have to revolve around what the weather will allow. And since we only have a couple months of non-white ground, we have to utilize that time, and part of that means enjoying the outdoors...not just the fun work kind.

(some things are set for the specific day, obviously, otherwise my goal is just to get them done at some point this weekend)

-Make pizza on the grill (I'm hoping the weather stays nice so we can eat outside!)
-Work on the sideboard decor, it's lonely and in need of attention
-Clean the 1/2 bath- it was neglected this week

-Round up the ripe goodies from the garden, there won't be many more after this week
-Attend baby shower for a good friend
-Decide on, shop for and make something for Oktoberfest party
-Attend Oktoberfest party!
- Weed and cut the grass if necessary (Carl)

-Help my mom at her church's chicken dinner (it's my childhood parish as well and where we got married)
-Menu plan and grocery shop if necessary
-Crash! This is a big event filled weekend!

What's on your to do list this weekend? My best tip for getting it done is still to write it down. That little list is like a probation officer just waiting for your check-in! Enjoy the weekend!!


  1. I have never had pizza on the grill. I will have to try that sometime, but need a grill first.


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