Sunday, November 15, 2009

Holiday Help: Grocery List & Timeline Templates

::::Looks up::::: See that new button up there? Well, I think you'll like the sight of that button. That will be the indication that I am about to drop some Holiday Help knowledge on you! As I said in the earlier post today, on Sundays I'll give you a challenge and broad overview of a portion of holiday planning. Then throughout the week, I'll go into detail. Well, here is the first part of detail to my Mock Thanksgiving!

I find that two of the most crucial parts to an event are the timeline and menu/grocery list. So tonight, I'll share my timeline and grocery list for the Mock Thanksgiving. You can see my process as well as use it as a template. Just delete out my specific information and use it for yourself!

You can click here to see the Timeline
- this includes and overall timeline as well as a specific cooking timeline

You can click here to see the Grocery List- this includes a break down of the ingredients that go in each menu item

The grocery list template includes some instructions at the top...not that it's complicated, but I just want to be sure it makes sense! As for the timeline- I like to start with the event time and move backwards. The rest is pretty self explanatory. When you view it in the Google Docs, you can just copy and paste it into an Excel Spreadsheet.

I hope this helps someone out there! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me in the comments or email. Or if you'd like me to just email you the templates, I'd be happy to do so. Don't forget to check back in the rest of the week for even more details!!

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