Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy House Express Challenge: Week 4

Can you believe we are already at week 4? It might not sound like a lot, but out of only 5 weeks of tasks, we are almost at the end. That being said, take a look around. How are things looking in your house? Are you feeling like you are enjoying a cleaner, tidier home? I hope the answer is yes! As always, let's first take a look at my results. I was at my in-laws' house for a day/night, so my numbers are technically out of 6 this week. That being said....

I'm on a roll people! 6/6 for everything! My blog rejuvenation has really made an impact on my housework! I can't tell you what a motivator it is to have a blog in general. If you don't have one, I really do encourage you to try it! My cooking blog alone just gives me a boost to keep our meals out of a rut and try new things.

Anyway, back on track. How did you do this week? Link up and/or tell me in the comments! I would love to see a bunch of 7/7s but the effort is what's key! So if you aren't boasting a perfect score, don't worry about it. You'll get there!

Now, time for new tasks this week. I'm a list freak. Love em. I think the reward of crossing off a to do just makes chores that much more fun.

Write It Down!

Tailor this one to suit YOUR needs. And it could change daily. But either in the evening, or first thing in the morning- give yourself a short to do list. What is the top one, two or three things you need to accomplish that day? Put it on paper, I promise you will feel accountable! If I can remember, I will try to take a daily photo of my to dos and post on Facebook and Twitter. You could think of it as your daily reminder. By the way...have you liked My Happy House on Facebook yet? Now would be a great time to do it :)

Organize Your Outerwear!

It's warm outside, so this one is a really quick task! It's simple. Have a home for your coat, purse, diaper bag, shoes, etc. Anything you take with you out of the house should have a place inside the house. This is an especially important task if you have little ones. Make sure they have a place for their things and you won't be tripping over them when they are home! So simple as that- put away your outerwear! Most people leave the house on a daily basis, so that's why this is a daily task.

We updated our outerwear storage system a bit since Cam arrived, but I 'll do a separate post about that organization later. For now, I'll show you how very unorganized my front closet is, and I'll update you next week on how tidy I make it.

So two quick housekeeping items before we're done. First let's recap all our daily tasks.

Week 1: Make the Bed & Empty the Sink!
Week 2: Sweep the Kitchen Floor & Clear the Clutter!
Week 3: Sort the Mail & Spray Your Shower!
Week 4: Write It Down & Organize Your Outerwear!

Second...let's give a little shout out to all our participants who gave us their results last week!

The How To Mommy
Eva @ The Nerdy Nest
Between the Chaos

Way to go everyone! Want to be included in next week's shout outs? Be sure to include YOUR results! And if you blog about it, include your link in the InLinkz. So that's it folks. Go on and conquer your tasks! We're adding our last two tasks next week, so be sure to come back!

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  1. You certainly keep me going with completing my task.I love your blog!

  2. I was 7/7 on everything but sweeping my darn kitchen floor! I probably only got to it 4/7. I am, however, almost 33 weeks pregnant, so at the end of the day when I need to sweep the floor, all I want to do is lounge in my favorite chair or go to bed. All of the other tasks I do in the morning.

    I really struggle with the sweeping. I think about doing it in the morning after my husband leaves for work, but then decide that I'm going to make it messy again, so I might as well do it in the evening... and then I don't.

  3. Thanks for the shout out and linking up to Tasty Thursdays! I'll post my Week 4 challenge/Week 3 results on Friday!

  4. I love list too! I have a chalkboard in my kitchen so I can write out (and cross off) what I'd like to accomplish for the day. Def. helps to stay productive.

    My focus this week as to clear the clutter since our house has been in pure chaos since the attic remodel. (Which I should be posting about early next week)

  5. I was 7/7 on everything except for clear the clutter and spray the shower. I NEVER remember to spray the shower. I think I am 1/7 on that one :(

    I am excited about writing it down because I do that every day anyway. I love lists! The outerwear is always a challenge because we don't have a hall closet. I try to put everything in the laundry room area, but the litter boxes are in there, too, so any fabrics pick up a scent. Luckily, I live in Florida, so my outerwear consists of open-toed shoes, purses, and sometimes a diaper bag until December or January.


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